Dear Women of Longview and East Texas.

   I am sadly writing this letter/blog to inform you about the turmoil and to shed light on the truth of recent events that occurred over the summer.  What is stated in letter is my opinion of the facts as I have endured them.   I apologize for the tardiness of this information but I had to let the legal representation allow to play out to rectify this move by my former employer and rectify the wrongs they did by putting profits ahead of patients.  Unfortunately, instead of them reconsidering their money driven motives for the sake women of East Texas and their needs, it only emboldened and hardened them further into this decision.   

Approximately late February or Early March the last remaning parter, the only remaining person of the once mighty and awesome all female OBGYN group, announced she was giving her 90 day notice to leave the practice.  She along with the previous two doctors that had already left the previous year were frustrated with the management and direction of the practice and hospital as relayed to us in our monthly business meetings.   This also meant that by June, I would have been the sole provider in the group.   I was more than willing to stay on duty the entire time, not taking vacation, being on call until suitable partners can be found and signed to join this group.   I wanted this to continue to move Women's Healthcare in Longview into 21st century.   My former employer did attempt to recruit other OBGYN physicians but without much success.  It is hard to recruit any newly graduated or seasoned surgeons to come to our small part of East Texas.  Despite my willingness to work that long would play a heavy toll AND would not be safe for my patients. I requested my former employee to use locum tenems (temporary help) physicians would have bridged the gap until a suitable long term partner or partner(s) could be found.  I later came to discover this idea was not fully supported by the hospital or powers that be; they were caught peddling mistruths about supporting this.  If it cost money, it was not going to happen. 

On May 23rd, I was notified abruptly that our clinic would be closed effectively by the end of June 2023.  Not only did this come as a surprise and shock to me, it left me very saddened and discarded.  I had moved my family to East Texas to bring the forefront of modern medicine and to call this place my home.  It also meant an abandonement of the committment that I thought they shared to care for the women of East Texas and Longview.   This meant all the women who sought cutting edge, minimally invasive or robotic surgery, Acessa procedures that were scheduled through October could no longer receive these services.  It also meant that young mothers late into their third trimester would be left without care since the other big OBGYN groups routinely do not take on new patients after a certain gestational age.  It also meant exposing these women to the higher risk of ending up with a cesarean section or the loss of "Mother Friendly/Enhanced Recovery After Surgery" techniques that I have brought to Longview.   

I pleaded to allow a full 90 days to give patient adequate time to seek alternate physicians, establish new relationships and find their way moving forward.   My former employers essentially were communication that keeping the clinic open for that long was not fiscally sound.  They put money ahead of mothers.  Since I did NOT fully support theses decisons, I did not champion them.  I spoke out against them.  I offered alternative solutions but fell on deaf ears.  I was accused of calling them heartless.  I was then immediately terminated with cause on 8June2023.  

This allowed my former employer to avoid paying me the severance pay required by the contract for 90 days.  Alternatively they also rescinded an offer to relieve the non-compete clause in my contract, meaning they would force me NOT to be able to provide the women of Longview the care they deserved within the confines of Longview for a period of two years.   If they allowed this to be waived, I could have quickly joined another group or opened a clinic to continue to provide those unique services not being offered here in Longview.   

The additional sting was the day of being terminated I was pulled out of a planned cesarean section case that was about to start.  This patient/momma wanted to have the unique experience of Mother Friendly techqnique along with the additional benefit of narcotic free and rapid recovery.  She was on the operative table with spinal anesthesia in place and I was forbidden to return to provider her that care.  She was not provided the delivery experience that she wanted and planned for.  

I am currently working elsewhere in another town in another capacity to avoid the wrath of my former employer.  I have been asked multiple times who would I recommend.  I do know that Christus Trinity Mother Francis is the premier regional medical center in all of East Texas  It by far surpasses the capabilities, structure and resources of all around her.  She has an impeccable history and well deserved reputation.  Additionally I have become very surprised in a positive way of Christus Good Shepherd Hospital in Longview.  It is a beatiful hospital with a long history in the community, a peaceful garden, and dedication to serve God and his children.  They have an OBGYN group practice that is robotically trained and capable surgeons.  This hospital also offers OB Hospitalist services to improve the timely care of our laboring mothers and avoid unnecessary delays or injuries.   

I have been blessed to be present in many women's lives during the past 3 years.  The skills that God our father has embued on me has allowed me to present healing to many many women.  The Holy Spirit inspired me to bring up potential healing from non-medical wounds in many women as well.  I feel more comfortable to offer women spirtual, not just medical or surgical healing.  My journey has been a phenominal and memorable one at best.  I am just devastated and deflated that money and ego trumps caring for women of our community.  I apologize to all the women that have yet to receving the healing they need or deserve.  I am sorry I was not big enough or important enough to sway the cold fiscally motivated decisions.  I regret I cannot be here for the next two years to provide the care the women of Longview deserve.   I will now continue to focus, as God has suggested to me on a new path.  I will find a way to bring excellence, either here in East Texas by finding new partners who are focused on the same goal or elsewhere.  I will pray that he may find a new purpose for me and for the betterment of all  Thank you for the opportunity to be part of your families and healthcare.  I am blessed and better to have known you.  


Dr.  Q